Benefits of Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Dandruff and How to Use It

Dandruff is a common skin problem, but sometimes it can be very difficult to overcome. There are various kinds of treatments for this condition, both using drugs, special shampoo, to natural ingredients. One of the many natural ingredients which is predicted to eliminate dandruff is Aloe vera alias aloe vera.

Is that right? Then, how to use aloe vera to overcome stubborn dandruff?

Effect of aloe vera on dandruff

Aloe vera has been known as a natural ingredient to relieve inflammation, minor burns, and accelerate the healing of small wounds. This plant is also often used on hair because it is believed to help its growth.

This is not without reason, because aloe vera does contain various nutrients that help tissue recovery. Not only that, the inside of the gel-shaped aloe vera plant also provides a cool and moisturizing effect on the skin.

The cause of dandruff begins with the accumulation of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells that dry. When used on the scalp, aloe vera can help eliminate dandruff in the following ways:
  • Moisturize dry scalp so it does not turn into dandruff
  • Reducing inflammation of the scalp through the content of enzymes and anti-inflammatory compounds
  • Cleanses hair and scalp from excess oil
  • Protect scalp cells from damage thanks to antioxidant content
  • Prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi that can worsen dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff with aloe vera

You can use aloe vera by using the gel directly or making it into a hair mask. Here are some simple ways you can apply:

1. Aloe vera gel

You can take aloe vera gel yourself using a sharp or serrated knife. Cut the base of the aloe vera plant, then cut the green top layer of skin. Use a knife to take the gel inside carefully.

Apply aloe vera gel on your scalp gently and evenly. Leave it for 30-60 minutes for the gel to absorb, then clean your hair with shampoo until all the gel is gone. Do this method 2-3 times every week.

2. Aloe vera mask and eucalyptus oil

A mixture of aloe vera and eucalyptus oil can eliminate dandruff by preventing inflammation of the scalp. Prepare 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil and mix until blended.

Apply the mixture to the head, from the roots to the ends of the hair. Make sure you also apply it evenly to the scalp. Leave for 30-60 minutes, then wipe with water. Repeat 2-3 times every week.

3. Aloe vera and olive oil masks

Olive oil has a content that can moisturize the scalp. In addition, the antimicrobial content in olive oil can also inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that make dandruff worse.

Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Apply to the scalp and hair, then cover your head with a shower cap. Leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

You can also get rid of dandruff by mixing honey, coconut oil, or tea tree oil into aloe vera gel. To keep your scalp clean, you can mix it with lemon juice or apple vinegar.

Aloe vera gel is safe for scalp use as long as there is no allergic reaction or irritation. However, if dandruff actually gets worse, stop using this material and consult a doctor to get a solution.

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