7 Natural Oils for Overcoming Hair Loss

7 Natural Oils for Overcoming Hair Loss
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Hair is a part of the human body that continues to experience growth. Hair is unique, because it has a faster growth rate than other body tissues.

Hair is one of the valuable assets for humans, especially women, until there is the term "Hair Is a Crown of Women". Crowns are symbols in the form of headgear used by kings, queens or gods. Crown is also a symbol of the power and social status of the community. The crown is something to be proud of as well as hair, for women hair is something that is very valuable especially since a woman has always been characterized by long hair unraveling.

In the social life of women without hair considered strange, hair does not only make women look beautiful, hair also functions to warm the head. Hair can grow long because there is a hair root, under the skin there is a follicle or duct that resembles a hair bag, the follicle is responsible for protecting the hair buds, the blood that feeds the follicles so that the hair grows long.

Hair loss is excessive hair loss. This condition can result in thinning of hair or baldness, either temporary or permanent. The amount of a person's hair will loose or fall around 50-100 strands every day. This is normal, because there are also hair that grows every day. Normal hair growth will begin with the growth phase (anagen), where the hair will grow and last for 2-6 years.

After that, the hair will fall out and will grow back 2-3 months after falling (telogen phase). Before falling out, the hair will enter a transition period of 2-3 weeks (catagen phase). If this hair growth cycle is disrupted, the hair will fall out to lead to baldness.

For those of you who experience hair loss, here are 7 Natural Oils to Overcome Hair Loss:

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is very effective not only for hair loss, but also for dry hair, branching and restoring the natural color of the hair. You can get this benefit by applying it to your hair while gently massaging it. Do it at night and clean it the next morning.

2. Coconut oil

You can apply coconut oil before or after shampooing depending on the condition of your head skin. If you have an oily scalp, you can use it a few hours before shampooing. Coconut oil has been believed for generations to reduce hair loss. Not only that, it can also make your hair shiny.

3. Hazelnut oil

Pecan oil is not only a flavoring, but also effective for hair fertilizers, overcome baldness and darken hair. How to get the oil, you only need to burn pecan. After that, puree it to remove the oil. Oil is what you can use to treat hair loss.

4. Urang Aring Oil / False Daisy Oil

Urang-aring or False Daisy is a type of plant, mostly found wild as a weed, a member of the Asteraceae tribe. This Terna is famous for its use as a hair fertilizer.Urang Aring oil is useful for preventing hair loss, dryness and branching. Take a little false daisy leaves and soak in water. You can squeeze or puree to get the oil.

5. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil effectively increases hair growth and is used as a hair loss drug. Reporting from the US National Library of Medicine, peppermint essential oil increases the thickness of the scalp and the number of hair follicles. This oil is also useful for accelerating hair growth from inside the body. That's because peppermint oil contains menthol, which makes blood vessels enlarge, which encourages hair growth. You can rub it directly into your head skin.

6. Oil bergamot essence

Bergamot esesns oil helps increase hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy. Reporting from Wiley Online Library, oil bergamot essence is useful for healing wounds and reducing inflammation. In addition, it is also useful for increasing hair growth and keeping the scalp healthy. You just apply it to the skin of your head.

7. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is suitable for you who want to accelerate hair growth. Jojoba oil comes from the seeds of the Zizyphus jujube plant. Reporting from the Food and Chemical Toxicology study, jojoba oil applied to shaved hair will encourage more hair growth than hair that doesn't use jojoba oil.

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